NPDCC Debut at Blackburn Cycling Club Australia Day Carnival

NPDCC is proud to have their first ever team represented at the Blackburn Cycling Club Australia Day Carnival. The carnival consisted of a scratch race, motor pace, handicap (heats and finals), madison and elimination. Ryan Koroknai and Max Blackwood took to the track in A and B grade respectively.

Both riders had a successful day picking up 2nd in the combined A and B grade 80 lap madison, taking out maximum points in the first two sprints. Ryan was also able to podium in the motor pace, elimination and Bessie Poole handicap final.

Congratulations on a successful day and thank you to all who came to support. Special thanks to Giramondo Sportswear for providing such fine skinsuits at such late notice!

Photo credits to OGaram and Chris Star

NPDCC are here to stay

Over the past few months NPDCC committee members have been working tirelessly in the background, getting our new cycling club up and running, setting the wheels in motion for many great things to come.

We’ve poured hours and hours into exploring and brainstorming many ideas to honour the club’s past heritage in the area, which we are reviving through the old Noble Park Dandenong Cycling Club.

At the same time, we’ve established regular group rides and slowly but surely, the word is spreading. The Noble Park Dandenong Cycling Club is growing from humble new beginnings! We’re a club for all and all are welcome.

Many things are in the works as we are gearing up into the new decade. Keep in the loop on the club’s revival via our website and social accounts…but maybe you don’t have to .. if you spot NPDCC’s iconic club kit on your next ride then you’ll know our club is well and truly here to stay!