David Koroknai: state and national champion. Has ridden on the track for as long as he can remember

Adrian Savio: local resident, supporter and first sponsor of the newly reformed Noble Park Dandenong Cycling Club Inc.

Jeff: avid Noble Park cyclist, always looking for a new cycling adventure. Has been to Alice Springs and back

David Padfield: always found churning laps on his way home from his commute from Dandenong

Abbey: local and inspirational little rider that never wants to stop riding. Little sister to Australian track champion Kelland O’Brien

Fangio: when not winning A grade crits at Sandown, this local speedster can be found taking Strava KOMs at the track

Dean: 20 years, 20 laps per day, everyday on the same bike his wife bought him 20 years ago.

Samil: lives down the street to the velodrome and loves to ride out gentle laps whilst chatting about his Azerbaijani heritage

Zoran: another rider seen cutting gentle laps to improve his health and fitness. Blink and you’ll miss him

Kim Nguyen: local activist of the Save Noble Park Velodrome campaign. Here pictured with Olympian, Mick Hollingsworth