Olympian Mick Hollingsworth rides Maurice Kirby Velodrome

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Olympian Mick Hollingsworth rides Maurice Kirby Velodrome
Video: Mick Hollingsworth, Kim Nguyen and Marcel Lema having a chat and gentle roll at Maurice Kirby velodrome, Noble Park.

Article: Dandenong Journal: Olympian wheels into velodrome fight

For much of his life, former Olympian cyclist Mick Hollingsworth rode by Noble Park’s Maurice Kirby Velodrome on the way to work.

He cycled to work at a Gillette factory on Princes Highway, not far from the circular track that is under threat of demolition.

He may have had only the occasional lap, but it’s the casual riders – the seniors or the kids learning to ride – that will miss this venue the most, he says.

The mooted demolition by City of Greater Dandenong has activated the local cycling community. Continue reading “Olympian Mick Hollingsworth rides Maurice Kirby Velodrome”